Countdown to Black Friday

Shopping Jewels

Shopping Jewels
Black Friday Shopping 2009

Monday, March 14, 2011

Snack Attacks...

            I know I am watching too much of the Food Network, but I am inspired for this week’s blog post.  Planning your meals for big shopping days is essential!  Black Friday can start anywhere from Midnight, or 4 A.M., or at Noon based on your personal shopping enthusiasm.  Jaime was in the checkout line at Toys R Us somewhere around midnight this year!!  The early bird gets the worm - or in this case the perfect present!
            Back to the food….  It is a good idea to have a protein packed breakfast to give you lasting energy for a great day of deal hunting.  I personally like the portability of an egg sandwich on an English muffin with Canadian bacon or real bacon.  I can wrap it in a paper towel and hit the road running.  If you want to delegate responsibility on the Big Day, assign a buddy to make the sandwiches for the group. 
                No matter how great your breakfast is, eventually the hunger pains are going to rear their ugly mood busting heads, so ward them off by packing sensible snacks.  Almonds, cheese sticks, and trail mix are all good ideas, but in being honest, a sugar pick me at some point in the day is important too, so don’t forget your favorite candy or cookies!
                Along with snack you are going to need refreshment.  Your best bet is water, but you can pack a cooler of whatever floats your boat.  The important thing is that you have everything you need so that you don’t need to take an untimely break from what’s most important here, the shopping! You might consider planning a Starbucks run in between stores. Plot it in there, or be flexible saying "in between stores A and B or B and C we will make a run." This way, everyone stays hydrated and harmonious.
                Even with all of our preparedness, the girls and I like the break for lunch when our shopping time is waning.  Sometime around 1 P.M. many of the door buster sales are over and hopefully you have snagged every hot ticket item on your list, so it is a great time to mull over your conquests and a margarita! 
                Watch for meal deals at local restaurants.  One year we snagged a free appetizer by swinging by a local radio station’s broadcasting in s store’s parking lot, yay us!! 
                Post your great meal deals or ideas here to share with other super shoppers like yourself!  

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